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The introduction some years ago of a one way system (southbound) for
traffic on Lebanon Road substantially increased traffic flow on Addiscombe
Court Road, and this coupled with vehicles breaking the law by overtaking
stationary trams at Lebanon Road Tram stop and then turning northwards along Addiscombe Court Road created a safety issue.
The recent introduction of two further southbound (only) routes on Addiscombe Court Road and Canning Road have transferred all northbound traffic onto roads in the HOME area, predominately onto Elgin Road. As a consequence of these changes  Lebanon Road, Addiscombe Court Road and Canning Road now enjoy having almost no through traffic at all, whilst HOME roads have become intollerably busier.
A number of residents in the HOME RA and in other local areas contacted the HOME RA because they were upset by the significant increase in journey times directly resulting from these recent changes. HOME residents now have to endure much more traffic with the accompanying noise, pollution and disturbance to their home environment and it takes them much longer to get to work and back home as the queues prevent access to and from their homes. 
It has also been noticed that many more very large lorries have been using our roads. There is a 7.5T weight limit, and lorry drivers are ignoring the restrictions.
There have been reports of Motorway Maintenance lorries using Elgin Road - these vehicles are close to 33T so should not be using our roads under any circumstances.
If you see a large lorry using your road, take a photo (to include the number plate) and send the photo to Mike Barton.
Even Council Refuse vehicles should not be using our roads unless they are collecting rubbish from our homes. Refuse lorries are around 11 - 15T, but Veolia are ignoring the weight restrictions too.


A separate group - React2Traffic was formed to hold the Council and Councillors to account. The HOME RA is providing assistance to this group so they can get their message out to residents who don't know what to do to find a solution to the problem.
Please note that ReAct2Traffic was not formed by HOME RA. ReAct2Traffic was  created by residents and for residents across all roads in East Croydon, as well as residents in HOME's roads.
Since HOME's reason for existence is "looking after the concerns of local residents" we are helping residents in whichever we can, to help address and resolve issues that concern them. In this particular case it is the massive increase of traffic in our roads. This problem cannot be resolved without a review of the whole area - something we requested well before the decision was made to block northbound access to ACR and Canning Roads.
HOME RA is keen to work with all RAs in East Croydon and the Council to find a more balanced solution to this problem.
If the new traffic scheme implemented in January 2018 impacts you and would like to complain, ReAct2Traffic have created a document that you can use to make your formal complaint to the Council. This document is a template, so it shouldn't be sent without a few changes - you need to add you name and address as a starting point. 
If you could add some additional comments that would be great, as the more personal the letter you send in, the better (for example, like how the change has affect you). If you don't have time to do anything else to the document, just add your details in the relevant places and email your letter to .
For the complaints procedure to work, YOU MUST USE THE EMAIL HEADING 'Stage 1 formal complaint in respect of No Entry scheme to Addiscombe Court Rd/Canning Rd.'
Please also send ReAct2Traffic (using react2traffic@gmail.coma copy of the email you send to Mr Barton so ReAct2Traffic can keep an eye on whether the Council are correctly responding to your complaint.  Please note that any email address you use to contact ReAct2Traffic will not be shared with any organisation other than ReAct2Traffic and the H.O.M.E. RA.
If possible, please forward the Council's response to ReAct2Traffic too.
If you wish to get further involved, please join ReAct2Traffic's Facebook and/or Twitter account to share photos, videos and comments.  If you see anything relating to traffic problems in this area, do upload any photos or videos to one of these accounts.
Click here to download the Stage 1 letter template to help you.
Once you have sent in your Stage 1 Complaint, and received any response, please proceed through to stage two.
STAGE 2 Complaint: No Entry Addiscombe Court Road / Canning Road Scheme.

Click on the document link below to access the Stage 2 complaint precedent, it is comprehensive and legal but when this reaches the Local Government Ombudsman the points in it will be important.

Please feel free to adjust and edit the attached document as you see fit to reflect your individual circumstances. 


You will need to add a sentence at the start with your name and what you feel to be your personal injustice.


Once you have done this email your Stage 2 complaint to:


or write to:


Complaint Resolution Team

Bernard Weatherill House

Floor 5 - Zone D




Please copy in React2traffic when you make your Stage 2 complaint so we can again keep track of the numbers. 


We can win this if each of us makes a Stage 2 complaint and then complains to the Local Government Ombudsman. It is not a lot of work, just two more emails from each of us. There are enough complaints in the system to get this decision overturned or reviewed.

Below are links to copies of the leaflets that have been distributed to households where possible in the neighbourhood.  
If you know anyone else who has been impacted by the road changes, please point them to this webpage where they can see all the literature.
Elgin Road leaflet: Click  HERE to download
East Croydon general leaflet - Addiscombe West: Click HERE to download
Havelock and Outram Roads  leaflet: Click HERE to download
Download HOME's statement regarding TMAC Meeting 8 February 2017 click here
To see an article published in the Croydon Advertiser click here
If you wish to express your concerns to the Council, to find out what you need to do 
click here

Traffic concerns in H.O.M.E roads

© 2024 H.O.M.E Residents' Association | Addiscombe East, Croydon, England

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