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Meetings & Events

This page provides a record of the meetings and events attended by H.O.M.E committee members on behalf of residents.

Thursday, 23 November 2023 | 4:30 pm | Clyde Hall, Clyde Rd, CR0 6SZ

Traffic Consultation and Call to Action - Briefing Note on the Engagement Approach for Addiscombe East and West

The Council is consulting with residents in two Addiscombe Wards to identify and resolve genuine concerns raised over traffic problems that resulted from the one-way systems introduced in Addiscombe West.

The Council wants to hear about how traffic in our roads has affected your life, and whether you have any ideas on how to resolve the problems.

There are four “Community Listening Events”, with the first on Thursday 23rd November in Clyde Hall (any time between 4:30 – 8:30 pm).

Introduction: Making Lebanon Rd one-way southbound in 2015 (to remove northbound commuter traffic and improve road safety) resulted in residential access streets adjacent to Lebanon Rd feeling the impact of displaced traffic. As a result, traffic management measures were introduced in Addiscombe Court Rd and Canning Rd in 2018. These measures caused traffic to be displaced to residential access streets within the HOME Resident Association Area, predominantly Elgin Rd (the next available northbound route for through traffic).

Sunday, 17 September 2023 | 12:30 am | Ismaili Community Centre, 205 Addiscombe Road, CR0 6SP

2023 AGM and social

The new Committee has representatives from all roads. We have a new treasurer. Deirdre Rainbow has accepted the invitation and has come back to this role after a few years’ break. We thanked Nicholas Hewlett for his contribution whilst he was on the committee and was leading the Traffic issue on behalf of the HOME RA. The traffic campaign is ongoing, with the results of a TFL survey due soon. A lot of work had been done on planning during the past year, with good engagement with the Council and easy access to planning applications through the HOME website. Other activities had included playstreets in Havelock Road, clean ups, including control of graffiti, and more planting at the side of the Triangle, as well as a Quiz night and Carol singing.
We had a chance to hear and speak to our MP Sarah Jones, the Safer Neighbourhood officer Alex Maxted, and our councillors Jeet Bains and Maddie Henson. We are very grateful to the Ismaili community for opening their beautiful building for us as a venue, to have a tour as part of the Open London weekend, and for giving us refreshments and hot drinks. The meeting was well attended with over 30 residents.

Monday, 17 July 2023 | 4:30 pm

Residents' Associations Meeting with Croydon Planning Department - Planning with Spotlight on Enforcement

A biannual meeting of residents associations with the heads of different sections of planning departments. We were given presentations by officers on the process of how they deal with planning issues such as illegal building work or building work which is not done according to the approved planning application.

Planning is important, it brings people together. Many RAs were established as a result of some inappropriate planning applications. On the other hand, building work which is not approved or is of low standard can cause a lot of anxiety and reduce the desirability of the whole neighbourhood - examples are the front of 37 Havelock Rd, 19 Ashburton Rd and 16 Elgin Rd. Whilst residents are told by the Council that something is being done, the unapproved building work seems to carry on. The residents are feeling that Enforcement "has no teeth".

The meeting began with a presentation by Mira Armour, Chair of HOME RA who spoke from the residents' perspective. She highlighted the need for proactive communication by the officer, the importance of clear guidelines and understanding of the process which would remove residents' frustration. There is a need to change Us and Them Toxic culture and to look at ways residents could aid the Enforcement Department's work.

Within the presentation you will find some of the enforcement cases our RA has initiated and is still waiting to have resolved. If you are keen to know more or want to help with improving our neighbourhood please get in touch - email If you have any suggestions for items to be covered at forthcoming meetings, please do not hesitate to let us know.

Saturday, 19 February 2022 | 2:00 pm | Addiscombe Boys' and Girls' Club, 45 Stroud Green Way, CR0 7BE

Addiscombe & Shirley Community Meeting (Crime)

Contact our councillor Jeet to get involved in Chess, Gardening and other community activities to engage young people in Addiscombe.

Message from Jeet Bains to Addiscombe East RAs:
I recently attended an excellent event held by two local gentlemen at a community centre on Stroud Green Way. This was to generate good ideas for improving safety in the community, particularly following the recent terrible murder of a teenaged boy, Zaian Aimable-Lina, in Ashburton Park.

Two things that I am following up on:
- They would like to start a chess club. Do we have any chess enthusiasts among us, or do we know anyone who could be interested?
- There is a strong desire to have more activities that younger people can do with those who are somewhat older. I know we do gardening in various parks and green spaces. Is this something we could get younger people to help with?

This would be with young people who aren’t necessarily in the areas covered by your Residents’ Associations, but I think this would be great for wider community cohesion and upliftment.

Please do let me know if you can help.
Best wishes,
Cllr. Jeet Bains
Councillor for Addiscombe East ward (Conservative)
Shadow Cabinet Member for Culture and Regeneration

Saturday, 21 August 2021 | 3:00 pm | Victorian house in Outram Road

2021 AGM and social

This year we had an offer to hold our AGM in the Victorian house in Outram Road, home to the late Shirley Mills. Shirley was one of the longest-standing members of our Residents Association, a lovely and charismatic person. Tracey, her daughter, is our host and we are very grateful for this gesture to our community.
We plan to have a sunny day! and hold the short official part of the AGM on the terrace and in the garden. There will be an opportunity to get an update on HOME concerns and discuss any issues that trouble us. Please send an RSVP to The agenda and reports will then be sent to you.
It will be possible to have a look around the house as well. We will maintain all socially responsible measures, however please be mindful of coronavirus and come only if you are well.
Please respond if you wish to attend - we will have refreshments and need to know the numbers.
You will be able to attend only if you register beforehand.

Monday, 19 July 2021 | 11:00 pm

Residents' Association Meeting with Croydon Planning Department

Mira Armour attended the meeting which was organised by Croydon Planning Department. The agenda was:
1. Development Management Structure (NJT),
2. Croydon Local Plan Review & nLP (JD and HF),
3. Working together to manage development (NJT and HC),
4. The Planning Bill (HC).
See links below for meeting notes and the presentation which will have all the key details, housing targets, etc. including the relevant dates for Local Plan Review.

Sunday, 6 September 2020 | 3:00 pm

2020 AGM

Due to COVID the annual general meeting this year was held with limited numbers over a period of time, via zoom and individual contacts. If you have questions or would like to discuss any points please contact us first via email at to arrange for a member of committee to talk to you. You will find the annual report and accounts at the following links:

Wednesday, 5 August 2020 | 11:00 pm

Trees in our H.O.M.E

In August many trees were pollarded and on behalf of H.O.M.E RA, Mira wrote to try and prevent this work being done while the trees were in full leaf. Additionally Mira wrote to Director of Public Realm, Steve Iles regarding trees.
H.O.M.E RA committee has always worked to make the roads greener and healthier asking the council for more trees. The effort has paid off and in 2018 ten new tree places were put into Elgin Road. In 2020 we expect nine replacement trees in Havelock Road.

If you have questions or concerns about the trees in the H.O.M.E roads, the RA committee urge you to contact the council and our councillors:
Tree and Woodland Officer:

Tuesday, 21 July 2020 | 5:30 pm

Traffic Meeting with the Council

We held a Zoom meeting on Tuesday 21st July with the chair of the Traffic Management Advisory Committee, our Councillors, our MP Sarah Jones and senior council officers in charge of Public Realm and Highways

Sunday, 12 July 2020 | 11:00 pm

Low traffic initiatives

Councillor Stuart King speaks on low traffic initiatives.

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