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Who to contact about what

Last Updated 2022-03-01

Street Champion Coordinator

Tracey Bellamy

Place Department

Public Realm Office

Stubbs Mead Depot

Factory Lane

Croydon CR0 3RL

07825 103788

Flytipping​, overgrown vegetation, untidy front gardens, bins on footways

Cleansing, abandoned vehicles etc.


Satellite dishes

Stephen Whitfield

Enforcement Officer (Enforcement & Trees Team)
Croydon Council
Place Department

Development Management
Bernard Weatherill House
Floor 6, Zone A/B
8 Mint Walk
Croydon CR0 1EA
020 8726 6800 ext. 63051

The regulations regarding satellite dishes can be found in class H of The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015Within a Conservation Area there is a restriction which prevents dishes which are “on a chimney, wall or roof slope which faces onto, and is visible from, a highway”.

Any development which has been in existence over 4 years becomes immune from enforcement action, so one can do little in relation to any dishes which have been in place for 4 years, and new dishes on the same premises become difficult to resolve.

To report locations for investigation, email as many details as possible to

Highways maintenance

Trees in our streets

Richard Edwards

Trees & Woodland Officer

020 8726 6000 ext 62387


Trees in our gardens

Simon Kaye

Tree Officer

020 8726 6800 ext. 62048


Preservation of our East India Conservation Area

Joanna Hughes

Conservation Officer

020 8726 6000

Illegally parked cars

Croydon council no longer operates a car removal service for illegally parked cars.

If someone has parked blocking your drive for example then call the Parking Enforcement Team on 020 8760 1966.
If your call is relating to a dropped kerb offence the team are required to take some specific details from you:

Name, address and contact number.

Make, colour and registration of the offending vehicle.

An officer will then be dispatched to attend and issue a parking fine where appropriate.

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