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H.O.M.E Constitution

The HOME Residents’ Association (hereafter referred to as the RA) exists for the benefit of the residents in Havelock Road, Outram Road, Mulberry Lane and Elgin Road, Ashburton Road/Gardens/Close.

The HOME RA exists to preserve, conserve and improve the environment in Havelock Road, Outram Road, Ashburton Road/Gardens/Close, Mulberry Lane and Elgin Road as well as in outlying areas that have an effect on our area.


The HOME RA will collect and disseminate information relevant to residents and the Association’s aims.


Everyone who lives in Havelock Road, Outram Road, Ashburton Road/Gardens/Close, Mulberry Lane and Elgin Road is automatically a member of the HOME RA.


Members who pay a subscription fee are entitled to the HOME RA newsletter(s) and will receive breaking news via email if no newsletter is due.

At the inaugural meeting on 25th January 2004 it was agreed that there would be three officers: Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer. These officers are to be elected at the AGM; all three posts are for one year and all three may stand for re-election at the AGM.


The elected officers are part of the Working Committee which they form with members of the HOME RA  interested in particular issues; they implement the aims of the HOME RA.


Money raised from advertising, raffle, sales, donations and subscriptions will be used towards local projects and administrative costs. The accounts will be presented to the members at the AGM.


The Association is registered and recognised by the London Borough of Croydon.

© 2024 H.O.M.E Residents' Association | Addiscombe East, Croydon, England

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