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Neighbourhood Watch

Join Neighbourhood Watch

Active H.O.M.E members (i.e. annually subscribed) can be Neighbourhood Watch (NW) members.

NW members receive newsletters from Croydon Borough Neighbourhood Watch Association (CBNWA) and emails from the Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) and Trading Standards (TS), as appropriate.

Sent to our Neighbourhood Watch coordinator!



Sep 2021

Having issues with noisy neighbours (like loud music)?

Take a look at the Council's guidance for steps you can take to resolve and involve the council (if required).

You can contact Croydon Council regarding noise at:

Their office hours are standard office hours 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday and they no longer operate a 24hr telephone hotline (due to budget cuts).

They do seem to respond quickly via email and that if the noise issue is remotely regular, they will open a case and send you a form to update with details and may include a sheet to log the events. You are encouraged to keep an audio recording of noise issues and keep a detailed log - when it started, when it finished, the impact it has had on you. Ideally try to find out if there are other neighbours who have been affected by the noise and get them to do the same.

If you have a log with a few events on it, but need help making a proper audio recording for noise events outside office hours, let us know by emailing

One of our members is an audio expert and has offered to help if cases progress this far without resolution.

Trading Standards
Information Bulletins

Croydon Borough Neighbourhood Watch Association
Regular newsletters and updates at


Jan 2022

Be watchful of burglars operating in our roads.

There was a break in on Thursday 13th at 5.30 am in Havelock Road. They broke a window at the back and got into the house as far as the dining room before the alarm went off. They stole a purse and keys from a drawer.

Someone also tried to break into another property in Havelock Rd yesterday. They got back from work about 9 pm and the side gate was wide open with the lock hanging off. They didn’t get into the house and there are no signs of attempt to get in.


Please watch out and keep in touch


© 2024 H.O.M.E Residents' Association | Addiscombe East, Croydon, England

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