34 Outram Road Croydon CR0 6XE


Extension and conversion of the main house to provide 5 self-contained flats, including lightwells to the front and rear and the demolition of existing garage and construction of new 2B4P house at basement and ground floor levels.



The best comments are those that relate to the planning framework. Some reasons you could use:

  • Layout and density of the building (i.e. accommodation for too many people)
  • Over-development of the site
  • Loss of light or overshadowing (relevant for immediate neighbours)
  • Overlooking / loss of privacy (relevant for immediate neighbours)
  • Visual amenity (e.g. removing the chimneys)
  • Adequacy of parking (relevant for those living in the same road)
  • Traffic generation (relevant for those living in the same road)
  • Noise and disturbance resulting from use
  • Effect on listed building and conservation area
  • Landscaping (loss of trees / any green garden)
  • Design, appearance and materials

N.B. You can’t object on the basis that the development will reduce the value of your own property.

  • Select an application from the menu bar above
  • Select comment
  • For appeals, next select Make representation
  • Fill out the form and Submit

A history of planning applications dating back many years can be found on the Croydon Council Planning Pages.